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Piccola Orchid - Step-by-Step Care Guide

18 Mar, 2023
This step-by-step guide teaches you how to care for a Piccola Orchid. From watering to fertilizing, we'll show you the best practices to look after your beloved flower.

Delicate and beautiful, Piccola Orchids add vibrant color to any room in your home. To make sure your flower thrives, it's important to take the right steps when caring for your orchid. From the right amount of water to the necessary fertilizers, following this guide will help keep your Piccola Orchid healthy and blossoming.

Select a Sunny Spot for Your Orchid.

The Piccola Orchid is a bright flower and needs plenty of sunlight to thrive. To ensure optimal growth, select a sunny spot in your home that won't get too much direct, midday sunlight. A window sill or table near a large window both make great spots for your orchid. With the right amount of sunlight, you'll have a healthy and blooming flower all year round.

Watering the Piccola Orchid.

The Piccola Orchid is not as forgiving with overwatering as other orchids, so it's important to water it correctly. During the growing season (spring and summer) you should water your orchid every 7-10 days when the soil feels dry an inch below the surface. During winter, you can reduce your watering frequency to every three weeks. Avoid getting any water on the leaves, as this will cause them to yellow and rot.

Temperature Requirements for the Piccola Orchid.

To ensure your Piccola orchid is happy and healthy, it’s important to keep the temperature around 65-80°F (18-27°C). You should also consider having a humidity tray with gravel on the bottom — this will allow moisture from the water to evaporate into the air and help keep your orchid in the ideal environment. Placing a fan near your orchid can also help circulate and bring fresh air which will benefit its growth.

Fertilizing Your Piccola Orchid.

Fertilizing your Piccola Orchid is also an important step in ensuring its health and growth. To do so, use a specialized orchid fertilizer and mix it with warm water according to the instructions given on the label. Water your orchid with the solution once a month during the growing season of spring to fall, making sure not to fertilize during winter months when your orchid goes into its resting state. When it comes time for fertilizing again, always dilute the solution given by half.

How to Repot a Piccola Orchid.

Repotting your Piccola orchid is an important step in ensuring its thriving and growth. First, select a container that is just large enough to accommodate the root system of your orchid. Fill it with a well-draining potting mix such as a mixture of fir bark and perlite, then carefully lower the orchid into the pot allowing the roots to spread out evenly in the container. Once your orchid has been repotted, make sure to give it some time to adjust before watering heavily and returning it to its usual spot.

Interactive Orchid Care Checklist for:


Use this checklist to ensure your Piccola Orchid thrives in your urban oasis. Print this page and check off each task as you complete it to keep track of your orchid care routine.

1. Select a Sunny Spot:

  •  Place orchid on a window sill or table near a large window.
  •  Ensure it gets filtered sunlight, avoiding direct midday sun.
  • Tip: Rotate the orchid occasionally for even light exposure.

2. Watering Schedule:

  •  Water every 7-10 days during spring and summer.
  •  Reduce watering to every three weeks in winter.
  •  Check soil moisture by feeling an inch below the surface.
  •  Avoid water on leaves to prevent yellowing and rot.
  • Tip: Water until the soil is evenly moist but not waterlogged.

3. Temperature and Humidity Control:

  •  Maintain indoor temperature at 65-80°F (18-27°C).
  •  Consider using a humidity tray with gravel.
  •  Place a small fan nearby to circulate fresh air.
  • Tip: Monitor indoor humidity levels and adjust as needed.

4. Fertilizing Routine:

  •  Use specialized orchid fertilizer.
  •  Mix fertilizer with warm water per label instructions.
  •  Fertilize once a month during spring to fall.
  •  Skip fertilizing during winter resting months.
  •  Dilute fertilizer solution by half for a balanced approach.
  • Tip: Keep track of the last fertilization date for consistency.

5. Repotting Process:

  •  Select a container just large enough for the root system.
  •  Fill with well-draining potting mix (fir bark and perlite).
  •  Lower the orchid into the pot, allowing roots to spread evenly.
  •  Allow time for adjustment before heavy watering.
  •  Return orchid to its usual spot after repotting.
  • Tip: Observe any changes in growth post-repotting.

6. Connect with the Orchid Community:

  •  Share your orchid care experiences on social media.
  •  Join online forums or communities of orchid enthusiasts.
  •  Use the hashtag #UrbanOrchidCare to connect with fellow plant lovers.
  • Tip: Engage in discussions and seek advice from experienced growers.

7. Watch DIY Orchid Care Videos:

  •  Watch DIY orchid care videos for visual guidance.
  •  Learn about repotting, fertilizing techniques, and troubleshooting.
  • Tip: Take notes on new insights or techniques.

8. Subscribe to Monthly Orchid Care Newsletter:

  •  Subscribe to the monthly orchid care newsletter for additional tips.
  •  Stay informed about new orchid varieties and success stories.
  • Tip: Archive newsletters for future reference.

9. Participate in Social Media Challenges:

  •  Engage in social media challenges related to orchid care.
  •  Share your orchid care routine or creative ways you display orchids.
  • Tip: Connect with other participants for a thriving community experience.

10. Seasonal Care Package:

  •  Consider subscribing to seasonal care packages for orchid essentials.
  • Tip: Customize packages based on specific needs observed in your orchid.

By completing this checklist, you ensure your Piccola Orchid receives the care it deserves. Happy Orchid Growing!

Interactive Orchid Care Checklist: 

Use this checklist to ensure your Piccola Orchid thrives in your urban oasis. Print and check off each task as you complete it, providing the meticulous care your orchid deserves.

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