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Majesty Palms Care Guide

06 Aug, 2024
Majesty Palms Care Guide

Because of its stately stature and verdant foliage, the Majesty Palm (Ravenea rivularis) is a favorite houseplant. Taking good care of this houseplant is easy with the help of this tutorial. Important details like adequate lighting, soil conditions, watering methods, and humidity control will be covered. In addition, we will go over several fertilization techniques and ways to keep the palm healthy and free of common illnesses and pests. To help you maintain a flourishing Majesty Palm plant, we have included some helpful hints.



Common Name

Majesty Palm

Scientific Name

Ravenea rivularis

Native Region


Growth Habit

Upright with arching leaves


Up to 10-20 feet in landscapes, 3-10 feet indoors

Light Requirements

Bright, indirect light

Soil Type

Well-draining, rich in organic matter

Water Requirements

Consistent moisture, dislikes being overly dry

Temperature Preference

Prefers 65-75°F (18-24°C)

Common Pests/Diseases

Spider mites, mealybugs


Ornamental in gardens and as a potted plant

Minimum Necessities

Minimum care for Majesty Palms

Optimal Ambiance Lighting

Direct, indirect light is ideal for the Majesty Palm. Even though it thrives in partial shade, this pet-friendly plant still needs regular exposure to light to prevent leaf scorching. Locating it close to a window, where light may be softly diffused by a sheer drape, is perfect.

Where to Put Your Plant

If you want your Majesty Palm plant to get enough light, put it somewhere bright, preferably near a window that faces north or east. To supplement low levels of natural light, grow lights can be used. If you want your plant to grow evenly and on all sides, you should turn it every so often.

Plants and Soil

Plants and Soil

Top Soil Options

The ideal soil for a Majesty Palm drains well yet still holds moisture. An appropriate mixture would be potting soil, peat, and either sand or perlite. By achieving a balance between water retention and drainage, this mixture creates a steady environment for the roots.

Directions for Planting and Repotted Plants

To avoid water gathering at the base of the pot, be sure to use a container with drainage holes while potting. To make it easier for water to drain, add gravel or some like material to the base. Arrange the palm such that its root ball is slightly below the pot's rim, and then fill it with the soil mixture. Rinse well with water following potting.

Moisture and Watering

Moisture and Watering

Plan for Watering

When you feel the top inch of soil become dry, water your Majesty Palm. It can require watering once weekly in a stronger light. Twice every two weeks could be enough in dim light. Seasonality and the plant's natural habitat should be considered while determining the frequency. Never let water pool on top; it must always drain.

Keeping the Air Moist

Humidity is ideal for Majesty Palm plant care since it mimics their natural tropical habitat. Put a humidity tray under the plant or turn on the humidifier in the room to raise the humidity level. Additionally, it can be helpful to mist the leaves frequently, particularly in the dry winter months.

Methods for Fertilization

Timing of Fertilization

During the spring to early fall growing season, fertilize your Majesty Palm. Fertilizing plants in the winter is a bad idea because their growth rate is so low.

Tips for Fertilizing

Opt for a balanced fertilizer that dissolves in water. To prevent overfeeding, mix it at half the strength advised. Fortnightly to biweekly, sprinkle the fertilizer. For optimal nutrient distribution and to avoid root burn, water the plant both before and after fertilization.

Fertilizers We Suggest

Go with a well-rounded combination like 10-10-10 or 20-20-20. By maintaining these proportions, you may be certain that your plant will receive an adequate supply of the growth-promoting nutrients nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

Myths and Common Illnesses

Standard Insects

Vermin such as mealybugs, spider mites, and scale may settle on Majesty Palms. The presence of these pests can lead to leaf yellowing and reduced plant growth. Keep an eye out for pests by checking your plant often.

Steps to Avoid Danger

Make sure your palm gets enough water, light, and humidity to stay healthy. Dust off the leaves and keep bugs away by wiping them with a moist cloth.

Medical Treatment

Use neem oil or insecticidal soap to get rid of bugs if you see any. Repeat treatments as needed according to the product recommendations until the pests disappear.

Tip for Troubleshooting

Decaying Grass

Overwatering, underwatering, or inadequate drainage can cause leaves to become yellow. You should modify your watering plan after checking the soil moisture. To avoid flooding, make sure the container has holes for water to drain.

Decreased Progress

When nutrients and light are lacking, plant growth might be stunted. During the growing season, position the palm in indirect light that is bright, and make sure to feed it regularly with a balanced fertilizer.

Advice for Everyone

Always check for pests and make sure the humidity is just right. To promote healthy development, remove any yellowing or dead leaves.

In summary

Indoors, a Majesty Palm requires regular watering, soil that drains well, and indirect light. It is essential to fertilize the plant frequently throughout the growing season and to keep the humidity levels high. Always be on the lookout for pests and act swiftly to remedy any problems, such as leaves turning yellow or growth being hindered. You can bring the beauty of a healthy Majesty Palm outdoors into your house by following these guidelines. If you want to see one flourish, try growing this air-purifying plant using these easy maintenance tips.