Care and growth guide for Alocasia Polly

Grow a Lush Alocasia Polly with Expert Tips for Vibrant Foliage

The Alocasia Polly isn't just a pretty face (instead, a leaf). Those captivating, arrow-shaped fronds hold more symbolism than you might think.

Some cultures see them as talismans of good fortune, pointing you in the right direction. But how do you ensure your Alocasia Polly keeps aiming for lushness? Furthermore, how is its magnificent foliage ever-vibrant and healthy?

We will help by providing expert tips to keep your Polly Alocasia plant happy and growing. This blog is a life guide for these living arrowheads! Ready to know more about the plant? Let's jump in!

Garden of Alocasia Polly

What is Plant Alocasia Polly? A Botanical Introduction

The plant is also known as Alocasia Amazonica. Before we continue with its care guide, let's talk about its birthplace, botanical name, and family:


The Alocasia Polly originated in the rainforests of South India and Southern China. In other words, Southeast Asia, specifically the tropical regions of the Philippines and surrounding islands, is considered the birthplace of this lush plant.


The plant alocasia belongs to the Araceae family or the Arum family. Below are some other plants in the same category:

  • Philodendron
  • Epipremnum
  • Caladium
  • Dieffenbachia
  • Monstera
  • Monstera

Scientific Name:

While commonly known as Alocasia Polly, its scientific name is Alocasia sanderiana 'Frydek.'
Alocasia Polly in white pot

Botanical Name

Alocasia sanderiana 'Polly'

Common Name(s)

Polly, Elephant Ear

Plant Type

Tropical Foliage Plant

Mature Height

2-4 feet (0.6-1.2 meters)


1-2 feet (0.3-0.6 meters)

Light Needs

Bright, indirect light (avoid direct sunlight)

Water Needs

Moderate watering, allowing soil to dry slightly between waterings

Soil Preference

Well-draining, aroid mix

Temperature Range

65-80°F (18-27°C)


Prefers moderate to high humidity (50-60%+)

Light: The Sunshine Recipe for Lush Foliage

Now that we know a little bit about the plants, it's time to get your Alocasia Amazonica Polly from My Green Scape and start caring for it.

The first thing is light, which is a must for your Alocasia. It helps your Polly plant grow and stay healthy. Depending on your indoor space, you can keep your plant in natural sunlight or artificial UV light.

Natural Light is key:

Imagine the dappled light filtering through a rainforest canopy; that's the ideal situation. But avoid direct light, as it can scorch the leaves and make them dull and yellowish. Yeah! You can put your plant in direct sunlight during the winter and when the light intensity is low.

Finding the Perfect Light Spot:

I suggest putting your plant near a green glass window (filtered sunlight). Alocasia Polly thrives best near east-facing windows, where it can absorb morning rays.

Further, north-facing windows also work well, but low light can affect growth.

Artificial Light Solution:

If your polly Alocasia plant is getting pale and limp leaves, it means it needs more light, and you can supplement it with artificial light. Choose a bulb with full-spectrum light, and adjust the distance between the plant and the light according to the needed intensity.

Tiny Alocasia garden near window

Thriving in Tropical Comfort: Temperature and Humidity

The Alocasia Polly is from the South Asian region, and mimicking that environment helps it grow. Having the perfect temperature and humidity balance can help your leafy friend stay happy.

Temperature Requirements:

The best temperature range is 64 to 77 degrees Fahrenheit (18 to 25 degrees Celsius). Most homes are comfortable in this temperature range. But be mindful of drafts or placing your plant Alocasia Polly near AC vents or radiators.

Humidity Requirements:

Alocasia Amazonica Polly can live in a wide range of humid environments. Usually, it grows well in 60% to 75% humidity. However, fluctuations in humidity are bearable.

Watering Wisely: Keeping Your Alocasia Polly Hydrated

Alocasia Polly is not picky about drinking but prefers to stay hydrated. Aim for a balanced watering routine. This plant prefers to stay moist but not soggy, so regular watering is essential for its growth.

However, keep in mind that overwatering can cause root rot, which can be painful for your Polly Alocasia. Also, the server condition can cause a dead plant.

Don't be sad! We got the solution, too. Here are some quick steps for carefully watering:

  • Gently stick your finger into the soil, about an inch deep.
  • If it feels dry, it's time to water your plant!
  • If the soil feels cool, hold off on watering.

Indoor Alocasia Polly

Choosing the Perfect Pot and Soil Mix

If you have an Alocasia plant or any other plant from the Arum family, then a good soil mix must be your priority. Good soil protects plant roots from rotting and helps them grow at their peak.


Aim for a good soil mix with balanced moisture retention and drainage ingredients. You can buy potting mix designed specifically for aroids or African violets.

Additionally, you can mix your own soil with an equal amount of potting soil, perlite, and orchid bark.


Select a pot with proper drainage. Think of your pot as the home for Alocasia Polly. As your home needs a ventilation system, so does your plant need a drainage system.

Further, proper drainage allows the pot to stay moist without accumulating water around the roots. The pot size should be slightly larger than the root ball of your Alocasia Polly.  This allows for growth while ensuring the soil doesn't stay wet for too long.


Repot your plant every two years for optimal growth. Look for signs before you plan to repot the plant.

  • Growing roots out of drainage hole
  • Plant becoming pot-bound (roots filling the entire pot)

Suppose you have any of the above signs. It's time to repot your Polly Alocasia plant. Get a slightly larger pot and fill it with fresh soil mix. Put your plant in, and there you are!

Repoting Alocasia Amazonica

Pruning and Fertilization for Optimal Growth

Regarding Alocasia care, you should give them a haircut (pruning) and snacks (fertilization).


Amazonica Alocasia Polly is a moderate feeder. Think of fertilization as a snack pack that keeps your plants happy. Fertiliser should be used only in growing seasons like summer and spring. Look! Overfertilization of this plant can cause harm to your plant; a little goes a long way.

Consider a water-diluted fertilizer and use it once a month during active growing seasons.


Pruning your Alocasia Polly when you feel they need a little snip here and there can keep your plant looking its best. This plant doesn't require high maintenance. So, pruning can be done anytime you see leggy leaves, damaged parts, or spent flower heads.

Quick Note: Don't cut over one-third of the plant in a pruning session.

Uh Oh! Troubleshooting Common Problems with Alocasica Polly

Like every living thing, Alocasia Polly can have several problems. But there is nothing to stress over. Here are common problems and their solutions to help you keep your leafy friend happy and growing!

Case of the Droopy Leaves:

Droopy leaves can be caused by overwatering or underwatering. Check the pot. If the soil feels dry, simply water your plant. On the other hand, if the soil is soggy, hold off on water and let it dry out completely before you rewater your plant.

Yellowing Leaves Blues:

Insufficient light and nutrient deficiency are the real culprits behind yellow leaves. Put your Alocasia amazonica plant near a sun-facing window and add a pinch of fertilizer (if needed)

Browning Leaf Edges:

Dry air or sunburn can cause brown edges on the leaves. Use a pebble tray or a humidifier to increase humidity around your plant. If necessary, move the plant away from the harsh afternoon sun.

Pesty Pests:

While Alocasia polly has natural defensive power against mealybugs and spider mites, it can be affected by them. Look for signs like tiny white sap-sucking insects or webbing on the leaves.

If you find your Alocasia infected by these bugs, immediately isolate it and spray it with neam oil.

Best Thriving Alocasia Polly


How to care for Alocasia Polly?

You only need to give them sufficient sunlight, regular water, and seasonal fertilization.

What is the max height of Alocasia Polly?

Alocasia Polly can reach a maximum height of 80cm if kept in perfect environmental conditions.

Is Alocasia Polly a complex plant?

Not at all! Alocasia is a very easy-to-handle plant. It is a suggested plant for beginner gardeners.

What are the health benefits of Alocasia Polly?

Alocasia Polly removes toxins from the air. Furthermore, its greenery and lush foliage release stress.

Do Alocasia polly flowers bloom?

Yes! Alocasia Polly has a unique floral display. While the plant is known for its stunning foliage, it occasionally produces flowers.

Congratulations, You're Officially a Polly Whisperer!

There you have it! With these expert tips, you are well on your way to thriving with amazing Alocasia Polly. Soon, your garden will fill up with these green friends.

If you still need to buy your first plant, explore our collection pages for these green beauties.

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