Care Guide for Philodendron White Princess

How to Care for Your Philodendron White Princess

The Philodendron White Princess, with its stunning variegated leaves, is true houseplant royalty. However, this beauty is a moderately low-maintenance dude, as its crown might suggest.

With a little TLC (tender love care), you can keep your White Princess thriving and add a touch of elegance to your home. However, white philodendrons are hard to find due to their rarity. But if you get lucky enough to source one, trust me, its mini jungle look will effortlessly enhance your indoor appearance.

Origin Story:

The Philo White Princess is a hybrid. That means it's not a naturally growing plant but a result of crossbreeding. So, we can't pinpoint the exact birthplace of these plants. We can say it likely has connections to both Central/South America (through its parent plant).


Philodendron White Princess is known for its variegated glossy green and white foliage. Its exotic coloration creates a marbled effect on leaves. 


White philodendrons are hard to find due to their rarity. But if you get lucky enough to find one, trust me, its mini jungle look will effortlessly enhance your indoor appearance. 

Natural Habitats:

In its natural habitat, the plant doesn't require climbing support to stand tall. Furthermore, the Philodendron White Princess might not reach 60 feet like its climbing cousin. But it does exhibit a desire to climb as it matures.




Leaf Shape



Primarily white and green variegation, with variations in white and green dominance. Some leaves may have splashes of pink, cream, or revert to mostly green.


Prefers bright, indirect sunlight. Avoid direct sun exposure.


Water deeply when the top inch of soil feels dry, then allow it to breathe before watering again. Avoid overwatering.


Thrives in high humidity (around 60% or more). Misting, pebble trays, or humidifiers can be helpful.


Balanced houseplant fertilizer monthly during spring and summer. Reduce or withhold fertilizer in winter.

Growth Habit

Climbing vine. Provide a moss pole or trellis for support.


Indoors, can reach 12-18 inches tall. Under ideal conditions, it can grow up to 3 feet when mounted.


Mildly toxic to humans and pets if ingested.

Possible Natural Habits

Adapted to high humidity rainforest environment 


Human-made hybrid, likely created in Florida during the 1970s. Exact origins unknown.

Interesting Fact

The amount of light received can influence variegation. More light can encourage more white markings.


Ideal Growing Condition For Philodendron White Princess

Growing a Philo White Princess isn't a challenging task. It is beginner-friendly and requires little care. Just keep it at the right temperature in a good spot and quench its thirst from time to time; that's all! 

Light Up Your Princess's Life:

White princess philodendron thrives in bright indirect light. It requires 6 hours of healthy filtered light. Try placing it near a west-facing window to fill up its light needs. Furthermore, if your home lacks light, you can supplement it with grow lights. 

Here is a sun-kissed secret: The amount of sunlight your White Philodendron receives can dramatically impact its appearance. More light can encourage the plant to produce more white variegation.

Temperature and Humidity:

65°F and 77°F (18°C - 25°C) is ideal temperature for variegated Philodendron. While the humidity should mimic the natural rainforest of Central America, ideally between 60% and 80%.

Furthermore, higher humidity levels keep plants safe from pests and diseases. 

Danger Zone: Philodendron White Princess can tolerate temperature fluctuations. However, freezing temperatures can damage or kill plants.

Soil with Nutrient Punch:

Philodendron White Princess feels happy in loose and draining soil. So, you can use nutrient-rich organic soil. Here is a way you can get nutrient-rich soil for your glossy marbled plant. 

  • Buy Aroid mixes as your soil base.
  • Add perlite to the potting mix for better drainage in a 1:1 ratio.
  • You can also add organic matter to boost plant growth.

And there you have it! A highly fulfilling form for your variegated Philodendron

Mastering the Art of Sip and Feeding Frenzy

Water and fertilizers are sips and snacks for the Philodendron White Princess. So, finding the right balance is the key to ever-lush green foliage. 

Watering Tips:

Water your plant when the top inch gets dried. Use your finger to check the moisture. Furthermore, you can use a moisture meter for this purpose. If the soil is moist, hold off on watering. Here are some quick tips for watering Philodendron White.

  • Avoid overwatering your plant, or it will cause root rot.
  • Let the water come out through the drainage hole to ensure every part of your plant receives equal nutrients.
  • Avoid water logging for optimal growth of white princesses.


The Philodendron White Princess is a heavy feeder. Although you need to feed it only in growing seasons (summers and springs). Use an NPK ( Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium) fertilizer. Ideally in (10-10-10) ratio or (20-20-20) ratio.

This fertilizer is strong enough to enhance foliage growth and flowering. At the same time, I know that flowering is uncommon in Philodendrons.

Tips for fertilization:

  • Dilute the chosen fertilizer with water according to the manufacturer's guidelines.
  • Apply it during watering times.
  • Avoid over-fertilizing and look for leaf burns if you suspect over-fertilization

Snip, Clip, Grow: Keeping Your White Princess in Tip-Top Shape 

Grooming your Philodendron White Princess for a beautiful ambiance is a good idea. Here comes the pruning! Think of it as your princess's royal makeover. 


Cutting every now and then isn't a requirement for this royal foliage. Just a slight trim once a year works perfectly fine. It will not only enhance the shape of your plant but also help in redirecting energy for better development.

And guess what? You can use these leftover stems (after pruning) for the propagation process. Cool!

Just keep in mind:

  • Use sterilized or new pruning shears.
  • Strategically cut as little as you can (as we want a mini jungle look)
  • Don't cut more than ¼ part of your plant as White philodendron is a slow-growing plant.


Cleaning your Philodendron White Princess is always a plus. Your green beauty deserves a pristine look. So here are some expert tips:

  • Use a damp cloth to wipe down all dust particles. A soft, damp microfiber cloth is good to go. It will avoid scratching the leaves.
  • For better shine, you can spray neem oil on leaves. It will boost the glam while keeping the Philodendron White safe from insects.
  • Avoid harsh chemicals at all costs. It will do more bad than good to your Philodendron.

Propagate Philodendron White Princess and Share Nature Love

Remember those pruned stems? Yeah, we will use them to grow more plants. Well, if you haven't saved them, cut a new stem with the above-given method and jump to the propagation steps.

  • Submerge a stem into a tall jar of water with 2 to 3 nodes and a few leaves (at least two).
  • Keep it near a west-facing window for filtered light.
  • Change the water every week to keep your stem oxygenated.
  • It will take 2 to 3 weeks to sprout roots. 
  • Once roots grow 1 inch long.
  • Place it into a pot with fresh soil mix.
  • And finally, put the plant back in an airy spot with ample sunlight.

Remember to keep it moist for the first few weeks. The baby Philodendron White is in its early growth stage, and moisture will help it grow faster. 

Common Pests and Diseases of Philodendron White Princess (with Solutions!)

The Philodendron White Princess is a delicate plant. Its charm can be stolen by some diseases and pests. But, nothing to worry about! Below are some common problems your green glam can face and their solutions:


No exceptions! Unwanted mealybugs, scale, and fungus gnats can eat up your plant charm. These bugs suck sap and damage leaves, ending an adorable plant into an ugly bush. 


Isolate your plant when you see bugs on it. We can't harm other plants due to the affected Philodendron White Princess

Now, use neem oil or insecticide spray on it. Onward, repeat the process every other day until your plant gets back to its normal, thriving state.


Brown leaves, yellow leaves, and bacterial fungus spots are some beauty snatchers in plant worlds. These issues can be due to lack of light, overfertilization or underfertilization, water logging or dryness.


Chase the culprit first! If it's due to lack of light. Change the plant location or use grow light. However, overfertilization or overwatering is the reason. Hold off on it. Simple!


Can I grow Philodendron White Princess by cutting the leaf?

Propagating from leaf cutting is possible. However, it takes longer and has a lower success rate compared to using stem cuttings with aerial roots.

Does more light mean more white variegation?

Yeah, more light means more white variegation. However, it is suggested that you keep your Philodendron White Princess in light for only 6 hours.

Is the Philodendron White Princess rare?

Philo White Princess is somewhat rare in the plant world. Moreover, its rarity depends on your region and demand.

Key Notes:

The Philodendron White Princess has a unique royalty. It will not ask you for extreme attention. In short, it's a must-have plant if you love variegation and want to create an exotic mini jungle. You can easily find it on MyGreenScape. So get your plant, learn from the guide, and enjoy its stunning presence.

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