About Feeding Staghorn Ferns

Everything You Need to Know About Feeding Staghorn Ferns

Are Coffee Grounds Good for Staghorn Ferns?

Staghorn ferns require a nutrient-rich soil and careful feeding habits to ensure optimal growth. From organic fertilizers to specialized mix blends, find out what it takes to provide your staghorn fern with the essential nutrition it needs.

Understand Your Plant's Natural Growing Environment.

Before providing your staghorn fern with nutrients, it is essential to understand their natural growing environment in order to meet its needs. Staghorn ferns love moderate humidity and temperatures, the substrate should be kept moist but not wet, and they thrive in bright indirect light. Once your ferns are grown in optimal conditions, you can begin supplementing their diet with proper nutrition.

Provide Adequate Water and Humidity.

Staghorn ferns require a moderate level of humidity to thrive and adequate irrigation to ensure their soil remains moist, but not wet. Water should be applied directly to the fronds in order to allow the plant to absorb maximum nutrients. Be careful not to overwater your staghorn fern as this could lead to rotten roots. For best results, mist the leaves of your fern twice per week with a spray bottle. Additionally, make sure that your home environment has at least 40% humidity for maximum potential growth.

Coffee Grounds as Fertilizer: The Pros and Cons

Coffee grounds are considered a natural and organic source of nutrients, making them an attractive option for gardeners seeking eco-friendly fertilizers. Here are some potential pros and cons of using coffee grounds for staghorn ferns:


1. Nutrient Boost: Coffee grounds are rich in essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which are vital for plant growth and development.

2. Organic Matter: When coffee grounds decompose, they add organic matter to the soil or substrate, which can improve soil structure and water retention.

3. Acidic Properties: Staghorn ferns prefer a slightly acidic environment, and coffee grounds can help maintain the pH balance of the growing medium.


1. Overfertilization Risk: While coffee grounds can provide nutrients, overfertilization can harm staghorn ferns, leading to nutrient imbalances and burnt roots.

2. Water Retention: Coffee grounds can retain water for extended periods, which may lead to root rot if not managed correctly.

3. pH Imbalance: Excessive use of coffee grounds can make the soil too acidic, negatively impacting the fern's health.

Best Practices for Using Coffee Grounds on Staghorn Ferns

If you decide to use coffee grounds on your staghorn ferns, follow these best practices to ensure their well-being:

1. Moderation is Key: Use coffee grounds in moderation to avoid overfertilization. Sprinkle a thin layer around the base of the fern, ensuring it doesn't come in direct contact with the roots.

2. Composting: Consider composting coffee grounds with other organic matter before use. This process helps reduce the acidity and allows for a more balanced release of nutrients.

3. Balanced Care: Coffee grounds should supplement regular fertilization and not replace it entirely. Continue providing a balanced and appropriate fertilizer for your staghorn ferns.

4. Monitor Soil Moisture: Be mindful of the moisture levels in the growing medium to prevent waterlogging and potential root rot. Adjust watering frequency accordingly.

People also Asked:-

What's the best food for staghorn fern?

They can be fed by placing organic matter such as leaf litter, banana skins or compost at the back of the plant (near where it meets the backing board) or watered with a very diluted dose of SeaMax Organic Fertiliser Liquid. Elkhorns and staghorns may also benefit from watering during very hot, dry periods.

What is the best fertilizer for staghorn ferns?

You can use organic fertilizers such as diluted fish emulsion, applied every two to three weeks in spring and summer, if ferns are in containers, or monthly if grown in the garden. Kelp also is good. Or you can use small amounts of a balanced fertilizer such as an 8-8-8.

Do you feed staghorn ferns bananas?

Banana peels can contribute lots of potassium and a little phosphorus to the nutrient needs of your staghorn fern. But they contain very little nitrogen, which also is needed for good growth. So go ahead, toss a few banana peels among the foliage to slowly release their nutrients.

Is Epsom salt good for staghorn ferns?

Epsom salt has minerals perfect for fern growth and staghorn fern care.

Are coffee grounds good for staghorn ferns?

Banana skins, coffee grounds and tea bags are excellent slow release fertilizers that you can place behind your Staghorn or Elkhorn plants.

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