Angel Wing Begonias

How to Grow and Care for Angel Wing Begonias? A Complete Guide

Want to add a pop of color and texture to your indoor spaces? Why not try growing Angel Wing Begonias? These plants look stunning with their distinctive flowers and leaves and are easy to care for.

angel wing begonia

This blog post will guide you through the essentials of nurturing Angel Wing Begonia. We will discuss everything from the perfect lighting to mastering the art of propagation.

These steps are perfect for both gardening novices and experts. They will help you maintain healthy, vibrant Begonias. 

Get ready to level up your home look with the lustrous, eye-catching beauty of Angel Wing Begonias. Let’s get started on your plant care journey!



Botanical Name 

Begonia x corallina

Common Name

Angel wing begonia

Plant Type 

Perennial shrub

Mature Size 

12-30 in. tall, 12-24 in. wide

Sun Exposure 

Partial shade

Soil Type 

Moist but well-drained

Soil pH

Neutral to acidic 

Bloom Time 

Summer, early fall

Flower Color 

Pink, red, white, orange

Hardiness Zone 

10-11 (USDA)

Native Area 

South America 


Toxic to dogs and cats

Ideal Growing Conditions

Want to offer the best care to your Angel Wing Begonia? It starts with creating the right environment. This easy-grower plant needs specific conditions to flourish. 

Light, temperature, and humidity are all important for its growth. Proper care ensures vibrant blooms and lush foliage. Let's discover how to provide appropriate care and the perfect setting for your beloved Begonia.

Light Requirements

Adequate light is essential for the proper growth of Begonia. 

  • Indirect Light: 

Angel Wing Begonias love bright, indirect light. Direct sunlight can scorch the leaves. So place your plant near an east—or north-facing window. Use sheer curtains to filter the light if it is too harsh. 

  • Best Position in Your Home:

Keep the plant where it gets gentle morning light, but avoid the hot afternoon sun. A spot with dappled light works best. Rotate the pot periodically to keep growth even.

Temperature Preferences

Keep temperates up if you want to keep Begonias at home. 

Ideal Temperature Range: 

Angel Wing Begonias flourish well between 65°F and 75°F (18°C to 24°C). Avoid cold drafts and sudden temperature changes. Also, keep them away from heaters and air conditioners.

Consistent Environment: 

A consistent temperature helps your Begonia stay healthy. Sudden drops can stress the plant, causing leaves to drop.

Humidity Needs

Maintaining the moisture of Begonia is essential for proper growth. 

High Humidity: 

These plants love humidity. To keep the leaves vibrant, aim for 50-60% humidity. If your home is dry, place a tray of water near the plant or use a humidifier.

Simple Tricks to Increase Humidity: 

Mist the leaves lightly, but avoid overdoing it. Grouping plants can also help raise humidity levels. Due to the naturally higher humidity, keeping your Begonia in the bathroom can be ideal.

Now that you know the ideal growing conditions for the Angel Wing Begonia plant. Next, let’s share more info regarding proper Angel Wing Begonia care

Watering and Feeding 

Angel Wing Begonias need consistent moisture but dislike sitting in water. Water your plant when the top inch of soil looks dry. Use room temperature water to avoid shocking the roots. Pour water until it drains out the bottom. Empty the saucer to prevent root rot.

Avoid Overwatering: 

Too much water can lead to root issues and yellow leaves. Be mindful of the season; water less in winter when growth slows. Always check the soil before watering.

Fertilizer Needs: 

Feed your Begonia during the growing season, spring through summer. Prefer a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted to half-strength every two weeks. This helps support healthy leaves and boosts blooming.

During the blooming season, shift to high-phosphorous fertilizer to increase the chance of flowering. 

Feeding in Winter: 

Stop feeding in the winter and reduce in the fall. This resting period helps your Begonia save energy. Resume regular feeding when new growth starts in spring.

Proper watering and feeding will keep your Angel Wing Begonia looking lush. 

Let’s keep the momentum going and jump to the next part of caring and growing Begonia Angel Wing

Pruning and Maintenance

Proper pruning and maintenance are key to keeping your Angel Wing Begonia in top shape.

Pruning for Bushiness: 

Pruning helps your Angel Wing Begonia grow fuller. Cut the tips of stems to encourage new branches. Use clean, sharp scissors to cut just above a leaf node. This will help your plant stay bushy and compact.

Preventing Legginess: 

Legginess happens when the plant stretches toward light. Regular pruning keeps the plant in shape. Pinch off any long or thin stems to promote thicker growth.

Remove Dead Leaves: 

Remove yellow or damaged leaves to keep your Begonia healthy. This prevents pests and improves airflow around the plant. Always cut off dying flowers to direct energy to new growth.

Routine Maintenance: 

Check your plant regularly for pests like aphids or spider mites. Use a dam cloth to wipe leaves to remove dust. Rotate the pot weekly for even growth.

With proper pruning, your Angel Wing Begonia will stay lush and vibrant. Regular care keeps it looking its best. Next, let’s discuss Angel Wing Begonia propagation techniques. 

Propagation Techniques

Below is a concise guide to propagating Angel Wing Begonias from cuttings:

  • Select a Cutting: Identify a healthy 2- to 3-inch leaf-tip cutting from new growth in the spring. Ensure it doesn’t have blooms.
  • Prepare the Cutting: Use clean, sharp scissors to remove the cutting. This prevents infection and ensures a clean start.
  • Plant the Cutting: Insert the cutting side down into moist potting soil. Make sure it stands upright and stable.
  • Keep Conditions Ideal: Maintain a warm environment and keep the soil consistently moist. This supports the cutting's development of roots.
  • Optional - Apply Rooting Hormone: While not essential, using a rooting hormone can enhance the likelihood of successful rooting.
  • Monitor Growth: Look for new growth, indicating the cutting has started to root.
  • Renew Annually: Propagate new cuttings each spring to keep your collection lively and healthy. Remove and compost any old, leggy plants.
propagate angel wing begonia

This routine will help you sustain a fresh and flourishing collection of angel wing begonias. Now, let’s talk about potting and repotting. 

Potting and Repotting

When potting angel wing begonias, use well-draining soil and a pot with drainage holes. Start with a pot slightly larger than the root ball. Place the plant so the top of the root ball is just below the rim. Water thoroughly after potting.

Repot when roots crowd the pot or poke through drainage holes. Signs include slowed growth and water running straight through. Choose a new pot that is only a size larger than the old one. Repot in spring, gently teasing out roots and replacing old soil. This keeps your begonias healthy and growing well.

Next, let’s discuss some common pests and diseases related to Angel Wing begonia. 

Common Pests and Diseases

Angel Wing Begonias can face several pests and diseases. Here’s how to identify and treat these issues:

Powdery Mildew: Look for white, powdery spots on leaves. To prevent mildew, improve air circulation around your plants, and reduce leaf wetness. If it appears, apply a fungicide suitable for mildew.

powdery mildew on begonia

Mealybugs: These pests look like small, white, cottony masses on leaves and stems. To treat, wipe them off with alcohol-soaked cotton swabs. For severe infestations, use an insecticidal soap.

Whiteflies: Tiny white flies around plants are a sign. They cluster under leaves. Use yellow sticky traps to catch adults. Spray insecticidal soap to reduce their numbers.

Regularly check your begonias for these problems. Early detection makes treatment more effective. Keep your plants healthy with proper watering, light, and fertilization. 

This helps prevent many issues. If problems persist, consider changing the plant's environment or using chemical treatments as a last hope. 

Now that you know all the essential details about caring for and growing Angel Wing Begonia, let’s conclude our discussion!


Do Angel Wing Begonias like shade or sun?

Angel Wing Begonias prefers bright, indirect light. Direct sunlight can scorch their leaves, so shaded spots are best.

Are Angel Wing Begonia outdoor or indoor plants?

Angel Wing Begonias are primarily indoor plants. They thrive best in controlled indoor environments.

How can I keep my Angel Wing Begonia happy? 

Keep your Angel Wing Begonia happy with bright, indirect light and consistent moisture. Avoid direct sunlight and soggy soil.

Does Angel Wing Begonia like lots of water? 

Angel Wing Begonia likes consistent moisture but not too much water. Water yor plant when the top inch of soil looks dry.

Are Angel Wing Begonia winter or summer plants?

Angel Wing Begonia is a year-round indoor plant. It thrives in consistent indoor conditions regardless of the season.


Caring for Angel Wing Begonias is both a joy and a creative journey. With the right light, temperature, and a bit of attention to humidity, these plants will thrive and brighten your space. 

Want a lush growth for your Begonia? Regular maintenance—pruning, proper watering, and timely feeding. Watch out for pests and diseases. But don't let them discourage you. 

Propagation renews your collection each spring, keeping it vibrant and growing. Follow these tips to cultivate a flourishing haven of Angel Wing Begonias in your home.

Check out MyGreenscape to get started on your Angel Wing Begonia adventure today. Our plants are sourced directly from top growers and brighten up any corner of your home.

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