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Aglaonema Maria
Also known as Chinese Evergreen, these attractive foliage plants are slow growing and require minimal light.
Light: Medium to bright indirect light
Water: Water thoroughly weekly; allow top half of soil to dry out between watering
Pot Size: 6"
Plant Specific Care: Fertilize once every 2-3 months during the growing season. Keep in well-draining soil and a pot with drainage holes in the bottom. Prefers high humidity, consider placing near a humidifier and mist the leaves occasionally.
Pet-Friendly Plant: No.
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Air Plant
Light: is an important variable when it comes to keeping your Air Plant healthy. We recommend placing your Air Plant near a window with direct sunlight. Make sure the plant doesn't get too much direct sun though! Too much sun will be harmful to the Air Plant. Artificial light is also a great source of light for Air Plants. Some types of air plants have a blooming once in their life and will live for many years with the appropriate care. Look for a reddish tint when the air plant starts blooming.
Water: Most Air Plants will be their healthiest with a weekly watering. Air Plants will become dry while in the terrarium and will need to be sprayed with water 1-3 times a week. More often in a hot, dry environment, less often in a cool, humid one. If you see the plants drying out, submerge the Air Plant in a bowl of water upside down up to an hour. Repeat weekly. They benefit from overnight soaks in water. Please make sure to dry the plant completely after the watering as the air plants can die from having water sitting in the center of the plant or at the base.
Humidity: Air is an important component of the health of an Air Plant. All Air Plants live off the air and will be healthier in a terrarium that is not enclosed. Place your Air Plant at a distance from your heater or cooler to avoid drying out the plant. After watering, Air Plants should be given enough light and air circulation to dry in four hours or less. Do not keep the plant constantly wet or moist.
Temperature: Keep your Air Plant in warm conditions. They thrive in a temperature range of 10°-32° C.
Difficulty Level: Easy Grower
Pet Friendly: YES
Common Problems Q&A
Why is the base of my air plant brown and mushy?
This may be a sign of root rot. A few ways to prevent this is to stick to a consistent watering schedule to make sure you do not overwater. A key thing to remember in that Air Plants unlike most plants take in water through their leaves, not their roots and they are vulnerable to overwatering.
What are my leaves curling and browning?
This is likely a sign of under watering. Although Air Plants are easy to take care of they still need water. Air Plants should be watered about once a week.
How often should I use my fertilizer spray?
Over fertilization can cause your Air Plant to burn. It is recommended to only spray your air plant with fertilizer spray once a month at the same time you water. A little goes a long way!
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Alocasia Bambino
The Alocasia Bambino is a dwarf variety of the already relatively small Alocasia Amazonica. This little plant won't get much larger than 12" tall, so if you love the lush look of giant Alocasia but live in a small apartment this is the perfect plant for you.
Plant Size
Small: 4 inch standard nursery pot.
Medium: 5 - 6 inch standard nursery pot.
Bright, indirect light. Avoid excessive direct sunlight.
Maintain evenly moist but not soggy soil during the growing season, watering when the surface begins to dry. Reduce watering significantly in winter.
Plant Specific Care
She tolerates average indoor humidity. If the air in your home or office is dry, grouping her with other houseplants may help. You can also place a small humidifier nearby or grow it on a large pebble tray filled with water (so that the pot sits on top of the pebbles, above the water).
Pet-Friendly Plant No.
Alocasia Black Velvet
This lovely dwarf Alocasia Black Velvet is known for its deep green velvety leaves accented with striking silver-white veins. If you are running low on plant space in your life (we don't know anything about that!), this plant is a perfect match, as it will remain compact throughout its life.
Sun: Indirect.
Light: Bright,
Water: Keep soil moist.
Humidity: High.
Pet Friendly: NO - Moderately toxic to pets.
Alocasia Ivory Coast
The arrowhead shaped leaves are almost silver in color with a light green vein, they do best in bright light and high humidity.
Light: Medium to bright indirect
Water: Keep soil moist, mist frequently
Size: 6"
Plant Specific Care: Pot in an extremely well-draining potting mix. She's happy with 60ºF (15ºC) to 82ºF (28ºC). She can survive short temperature dips but she is not frost-tolerant. Avoid hot or cold drafts. Feed every two weeks while actively growing with a ½-dilution of a balanced formula. High humidity is important. >60% is ideal.
Pet-Friendly Plant: No.
Aloe Vera
The Aloe is a succulent at heart and as such it loves bright sunlight and when planting makes sure you use cactus soil so that it drains well. Aloe Vera is a bright green indoor plant with light spots & spikes on the leaves. It is also well-known for its medicinal properties.
Sun: Direct & Indirect.
Light: Bright,
Water: When Fully Dry
Humidity: Low.
Pet Friendly: NO - Moderately toxic to pets.
Artistica Orchid
With their hand-crafted shapes and exceptional blooms, Artistica showcases the wonder of nature and the expertise of our growers. Each orchid is trained to grow in a unique shape, including Hurricanes, Cascades, Infinity Circles and more, and is designed to command attention.
Black Coral Sansevieria
Tolerant to under watering and low light conditions this snake plant is ideal for beginners.
Light: Low to medium
Water: Sparingly
Size: 10"
Plant Specific Care:
To prevent root rot, use a pot with drainage holes and house your Snake Plant in well-draining soil.
Pet-Friendly Plant: No.
Calathea, Vittata
Just another beautiful cultivar of the Calathea family, the Vittata is striated with green, pink and silver stripes. Native to South America, these plants are accustomed to a low light and humid environment, making them especially adaptable to living in our homes as a houseplant.
She is also named a member of the "prayer plant family" for the way it closes up its leaves in the evening.
Light: Calathea thrives in bright, indirect light, but can tolerate some medium to low light conditions. Avoid placing in direct sunlight to prevent leaf discoloration and sunburn. Paling and curling leaves can be an indication of too much direct sun.
Water: Make sure to keep the soil evenly moist, but not soggy. Water when the soil is dry one to two inches down in the pot. Yellowing of the leaves and stems is a reliable indicator to pull back on your watering schedule. Curling of the leaves is an indication that your Calathea might need a more frequent drink.
Plant Specific Care
Use a drainage pot and fertilize your plant once every 2 - 3 months. She loves high humidity so make sure she gets it to avoid crispy leaves.
Pet-Friendly Plant Yes.
Crispy Wave Fern
Also known as a birds nest fern, this hardy fern is easy to care for and great for it's air purifying qualities.
Light: Low light, keep out of direct sun
Water: Keep moist in well draining soil
Size: 4"
Plant Specific Care: She thrives in temperatures between 16 to 26 degrees Celcius. Indoors, be sure to protect her from cold drafts, such as air blowing from an air-conditioning vent. During her active growing season, spring to summer, fertilize once a month with a balanced liquid fertilizer that's diluted to half strength.
Pet-Friendly Plant: Yes.
Dracaena, Marginata
Long thin green leaves with pink and ivory stripes on woody stems, this Dracaena is a great floor plant. Tolerant of lower light conditions.
Light: Bright, indirect light
Water: Every 5 to 7 days when top of soil is dry
Size: 6"
Plant Specific Care: Dragon trees prefer warmer temperatures between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Regular household humidity should be fine for them, but if your house is particularly dry, you can consider misting the pant lightly from a spray bottle every few days.
Pet-Friendly Plant: No.
Ficus, Rubber Burgundy Plant
Tough plant that's great for the beginner indoor gardener. The shiny glossy leaves are impressive, and after a few short years they can grow to a staggering height.
Light: Bright indirect, tolerates low light
Water: Water when top 1" of soil is dry
Plant Specific Care: May require leaves to be misted if the air is dry. Water less in the winter when the plant is dormant. Fertilize during its growing periods (summer).
Pet-Friendly Plant: No.
Ficus, Rubber Green Plant
A tough plant that's great for the beginner indoor gardener. The glossy deep green leaves are impressive, and after a few short years they can grow to a staggering height.
Light:Bright, indirect
Water:Water when top 1" of soil is dry
Size: 8" Medium
Plant Specific Care:May require leaves to be misted if the air is dry. Water less in the winter when the plant is dormant. Fertilize during its growing periods (summer).
Pet-Friendly Plant:No.
Ficus, Rubber Tineke (White )Plant
Ficus Elastica Tineke
A tough plant that's great for the beginner indoor gardener. The glossy variegated leaves are impressive, and after a few short years they can grow to a staggering height.
Light: Bright indirect, tolerates low light
Water: Water when top 1" of soil is dry
Plant Specific Care: She thrives in light, well-draining moist soil. It can tolerate heavy clay, sandy, or loamy soils. Always use a pot with drainage holes
Pet-Friendly Plant: No.
Ficus, Ruby (Red) Rubber Plant
Light: The pale, non-green parts of the leaves cannot photosynthesize, so ensure that the plant receives enough light to compensate for its less efficient leaves. Too much direct sun will scorch this plant, but it will not do well in low light spaces. We recommend placing it a few feet away from a southern window with a curtain filter, or directly in an eastern facing window!
Water: This plant does not like to sit in soggy soil, and over-watering is one of the most common reasons they die! Water only when the plant is dry at least three quarters of the way down its container.
Size: 4" - 6" Small, Medium
Plant Specific Care: Does well at room temperature between 60°F - 77°F. Cold temperatures should be avoided. She can live happily in the provided pot for up to two years. Check if she is ready to be repotted by touching the soil and seeing if it has become loose, or if the roots have become overgrown. Repot in the spring using a rich, well-draining soil
Pet-Friendly Plant: No.
Fiddle-Leaf Fig Bush
Ficus Lyrata Bush
Beautiful, huge, fiddle shaped leaves cover this popular Ficus which can grow into a rather large tree. Not for the beginner.
Light: Bright, direct sun
Water: Keep soil moist, Water thoroughly weekly
Plant Specific Care: Fiddle-Leaf Fig is sensitive to its environment. They love a warm and humid environment. If you see leaves starting to fall that's a sign that they may need some more filtered sunlight, more attention to the watering schedule, or are too cold. Avoid keeping in areas where there are cold drafts.
Pet-Friendly Plant: No.
Fishbone Cactus
The coolest plant we've seen in a while!!! We've actually been stalking its growth since we first laid eyes on this beauty at a Tropical Plant show in Florida! Meet, the Fishbone Cactus, cooler than cool, easy to handle, and trails over the edges of your pot in no time. Get 'em while you can!
This plant is shipped in a growers pot. Place growers' pot into a decorative pot of your own, or check out our selection of pots!
The diameter of this small pot is approx. 2.5 inches, for the medium it is 6 inches.
Place your fishbone cactus in a bright spot with indirect light. If it happens to get some direct sunlight, no worries it can handle it, but keep it limited.
They don’t usually flower indoors, but it can be done. Start by giving them a bit more full sun in late summer to early fall. This can help the plant produce flowers. If you are so lucky, the flowers will open at night and only last one day. Don’t miss it!
Fishbone cacti originate from the moist and humid rainforest. Not from the dry desert, like most cacti.
This means that your fishbone cactus likes a bit more water than the average cactus. Make sure it gets enough water, especially during spring and summer. Mist it occasionally for a little added humidity.
Plant Specific Care
Keep the soil moist and fertilize during the growing period. In winter let the top of the soil dry out before watering. It can handle a little neglect, but jungle cacti don’t like it to be bone dry for too long.
Pet Friendly Plant
Fluffy Ruffles Fern
Nephroelpis Exalata
A cultivar of the popular Boston Fern, this tidy fern features ruffled fronds and forms a dense clump of foliage.
Light: Low to medium light
Water: prefers moisture, water as soon as top soil is dry
Plant Specific Care: Provide a regular, balanced, liquid fertilizer for the indoor plant once every week during spring and summer, and then withhold fertilizer during fall and winter. Dilute the fertilizer to one-half the strength recommended on the fertilizer container. She enjoys high humidity (at least 50 percent humidity). Set her on a humidity tray or use a humidifier in the room.
Pet-Friendly Plant: Yes.
Golden Pothos
Pothos are definitely one of our go-to plant recommendations for people who want a trailing plant that is both adaptable and easygoing. The ‘Golden’ Pothos has a classic color that features a speckled golden variegation pattern which is quite possibly the most popular color of all the Pothos varieties. A perfect choice for a first-time plant parent, or anyone who enjoys a classic low-maintenance houseplant.
The Golden Pothos is often used as an accent piece in hanging baskets or as an indoor bonsai tree. It does well in low light conditions, but will also grow under bright indirect light. The Golden Pothos prefers to be kept moist, but will tolerate dry air without problems when it's not actively growing. In fact, this plant is so forgiving that even if you forget to water it once in awhile, it'll still be fine!
Light: Medium to bright indirect. Pothos thrive in bright indirect light, however, this plant will also comfortably adapt to low and medium light spaces.
Water: In bright light, these plants appreciate watering when the soil has dried out halfway in their pot. In low and medium light spaces, it is best to allow the soil to dry almost all the way, but do not let the plant sit dry for extended periods.
Plant Specific Care: If you're comfortable so is your Golden Pothos. They will do well in moderate temperature and humidity and are not too fussy.
Pet-Friendly Plant: No
Green Fantasy Fern
A dwarf fern with wavy deeply divided fronds. A Hardy variety that loves humidity, good for a bathroom or terrarium.
Light: Bright, no direct sun
Water: Water frequently, keep moist
Plant Specific Care: Provide a regular, balanced, liquid fertilizer for the indoor plant once every week during spring and summer, and then withhold fertilizer during fall and winter. Dilute the fertilizer to one-half the strength recommended on the fertilizer container.
Pet-Friendly Plant: Yes.
Hoya Australis
A hardy vining plant with succulent like, oval leaves. Easy to care for, and fairly fast growing.
Light: Bright, indirect
Water: Water once top few inches of soil are dry
Plant Specific Care
Low-maintenance hoya doesn't require a lot of fertilizer, but you can fertilize your hoya if you want it to bloom better. Use any general-purpose houseplant fertilizer and follow the directions on the packaging. She will also enjoy medium to high humidity.
Pet-Friendly Plant
Jade Plant
Considered to be a symbol of good luck, the jade plant is a great slow growing plant, covered in fleshy, oval leaves on woody stems.
Light: Bright, direct light
Water: Keep moist in summer months, monthly during winter
Plant Specific Care
Very sensitive to overwatering. Use soil and a pot that drains well. Fertilize once a month in spring and autumn.
Pet-Friendly Plant
Laurentii Sansevieria
Tolerant to under watering and low light conditions this snake plant is ideal for beginners.
Light: Low to medium
Water: Sparingly
Plant Specific Care: To prevent root rot, use a pot with drainage holes and house your Snake Plant in well-draining soil.
Pet-Friendly Plant: No.
Lemon Button Fern
Light: A bright, indirect spot a few feet from a bright window is best for this light-loving fern variety. Be careful not to place in hot direct sun, however, to avoid scorching its fronds.
Water: If you want to keep your lemon button fern happy, you should water it when the surface of the soil feels slightly dry to the touch.
Most plants don't like sitting in soggy soil, but ferns are especially sensitive. So if you can't remember when you last watered it and the soil feels dry, don't be afraid to give it some extra water.
Be sure to use a pot with a drainage hole, though! Otherwise, the water will sit in the bottom of your pot and rot out your plant's roots.
Plant Specific Care: Provide a regular, balanced, liquid fertilizer for the indoor plant once every week during spring and summer, and then withhold fertilizer during fall and winter. Dilute the fertilizer to one-half the strength recommended on the fertilizer container. She enjoys high humidity (at least 50 percent humidity). Set her on a humidity tray or use a humidifier in the room.
Pet-Friendly Plant: Yes.
Limelight Dracaena
This easy care plant is the perfect addition to a bight spot in your home. Young plants maintain a small bushy habit, while more mature plants develop woody stems and a tree like appearance.
Light: Medium to bright
Water: Keep evenly moist, allow to dry out slightly between watering
Size: 6" Medium
Plant Specific Care: Dracaena plants require warm temperatures to thrive. Ideal temperatures range between 65 and 90 ºF. This plant will start to decline at temperatures below 55 ºF. Dracaena plants like a loamy, well-draining, organically rich soil mixture. A good quality potting mix would work well for potting these plants. Soil can be amended with coco coir up to 25% to improve aeration. Fine pumice or perlite can be added up to 25% to improve drainage.
Pet-Friendly Plant: No.
Magnifica Orchid – Double Spike in Ceramic Pot
Magnifica offers many unique color variations. Expect to see a high variance all year round, including soft pinks and peach shades, solid purples and the purest whites. Other distinct variations include striped patterns (the petal’s veins!) or sporadic speckles.
Marble Queen Pothos
Easy growing and a vigorous trailing habit, Marble Queen Pothos is a great plant for beginners. The beautiful white variegation becomes more intense in brighter light conditions.
Light: Medium to bright indirect
Water: prefers dry soil, water when top several inches of soil is dry
Plant Specific Care: Use well-aerated potting soil. if the soil is heavy and doesn’t drain well, add a little pumice or perlite to the mix. To make your plant extra comfortable, allow it to be root-bound in a small pot. When the roots have filled the pot, move to the next size up and nothing larger.
Pet-Friendly Plant: No.
Maxima Orchid – Multi Spike in Ceramic Pot
Beauty and plenty manifest themselves in this new-style orchid! Maxima’s bountiful blooms and optimal height will exude style, harmony and sparkle wherever they’re placed—think grand pianos, coffee tables, or anywhere that could use some extra animation.
Monstera Deliciosa
Monstera Deliciosa or Swiss Cheese plant, is a gorgeous tropical plant that is commonly used as a living indoor decor. The Monstera is loved for its large dark leaves with prominent holes. Interestingly, these holes provide protection against wind and heavy rainfall in its native rainforest environment. She’ll grow big, she’ll grow beautiful, and she’ll grow her way into your heart.
Plant Size
Small: 4 inch standard nursery pot.
Medium: 6 inch standard nursery pot.
Best in partial shade.
Once a week, although it may need additional watering during hot weather. Only water again when the top 1 inch of soil seems dry to the touch. Lightly spray the leaves every other day to keep the plant from drying out.
Plant Specific Care
The Monstera Deliciosa plant thrives in soil that drains well. A good tip is to gently wipe the leaves every 2 weeks with a damp cloth to help them photosynthesize. Also, rotate the plant every month to make sure all leaves have time in the sun.
Pet-friendly Plant
Pachira, Money Tree
Pachira is an easy-to-care-for plant with a beautiful fountain of leaves. This little tree is often called a money tree, because it's said to bring prosperity and new beginnings.
Light: Pachira prefer bright indirect light. This plant will not do well in low light conditions. Wipe the leaves occasionally with a damp cloth to prevent dust accumulation and help your plant photosynthesize efficiently.
Water: his plant does not like to sit in soggy soil, and over-watering is one of the most common reasons for leaf loss and yellowing. Water only when the plant is dry at least halfway down in its container..
Size: 4" - 6" Small, Medium
Plant Specific Care: Pot in an extremely well-draining potting mix. She's happy with 60ºF (15ºC) to 82ºF (28ºC). She can survive short temperature dips but she is not frost-tolerant. Avoid hot or cold drafts.
Feed every two weeks while actively growing with a ½-dilution of a balanced formula.
High humidity is important. >60% is ideal.
Pet-Friendly Plant: Yes.
Peperomia Frost
An easy to care for plant with silvery frosted leaves and dark green veins. Slow growing and compact.
Light: Bright indirect
Water: Allow soil to dry between watering
Size: 4"
Plant Specific Care: For ideal Peperomia Frost care, give it a well-draining soil using peat, compost, mulch or humus, bark, and pumice or perlite. Temperatures should lie in the range of 65-75°F (18-24°C). Humidity at 40 – 50% is quite enough although it can take more. The Peperomia Frost needs to be in bright indirect light and makes for ideal window sill plants.
Pet-Friendly Plant: Yes.
Peperomia Ginny - Tricolor
The fleshy leaves of the Peperomia Ginny feature white and green variegation with pink tips. Adaptable to different lighting conditions, and even does well under florescent lighting.
Light: Low to bright, no direct sun
Water: Allow to dry completely between watering
Size: 4"
Plant Specific Care
Likes humidity, consider occasionally misting depending on how dry your home is. Use rich, well-draining soil and fertilize during its growth period.
Pet-Friendly Plant
Peperomia Lemon Lime
The fleshy succulent like leaves are marbled with lemon lime variegation, requires minimal care.
Light: Moderate light
Water: Let dry between watering
Size: 6" Medium
Plant Specific Care: Likes humidity, consider occasionally misting depending on how dry your home is. Use rich, well-draining soil and fertilize during its growth period.
Pet-Friendly Plant: Yes
Peperomia Obtusifolia
Also known as a baby rubber plant, this peperomia has succulent like leaves and requires minimal watering.
Light: Moderate light
Water: Let dry between watering
Size: 4" Small
Plant Specific Care: Likes humidity, consider occasionally misting depending on how dry your home is. Use rich, well-draining soil and fertilize during its growth period.
Pet-Friendly Plant: Yes.
Peperomia Obtusifolia Marble
Also known as a baby rubber plant, this peperomia has succulent like leaves and requires minimal watering.
Light: Moderate light
Water: Let dry between watering
Size: 4" Small
Plant Specific Care: This plant likes humidity, consider occasionally misting depending how dry your home is. Use rich, well-draining soil and a drainage pot.
Pet-Friendly Plant: Yes.
Peperomia, Miniature Watermelon
Peperomia obtusifolia is a favorite here at Mygreenscape for its ease of care and vast range in foliage. It's also known as the "Baby Rubber Plant."
Native to forests in Florida, Mexico and the Caribbean, this hardy staple is distinguished by its blunt, waxy leaves and upright stems. Its ability to thrive under dappled light makes it an ideal plant for the indoor garden.
Light: Peperomia fare best in bright, indirect light. It can also do well with morning or evening sun, but will not tolerate full, direct sun. Fluorescent lighting is an excellent choice when growing these easy-care indoor plants.
Water: Water every 1-2 weeks. These semi-succulent leaves do not want to be overwatered. So allow the soil to dry out partially between watering. Avoid wetting their leaves or stems.
Plant Specific Care: Provide a regular, balanced, liquid fertilizer for the indoor plant once every week during spring and summer, and then withhold fertilizer during fall and winter. Dilute the fertilizer to one-half the strength recommended on the fertilizer container. She enjoys high humidity (at least 50 percent humidity). Set her on a humidity tray or use a humidifier in the room.
Pet-Friendly Plant: Yes.
Petra Croton
The Petra Croton features beautiful bushy foliage in shades of red, orange, yellow and green which become more vibrant in bright light.
Light: Bright
Water: Water weekly, let it dry out entirely between watering's
Plant Specific Care: The ideal humidity range for your Croton plant is between 40% to 80%. Temperature Your Croton plant loves warm weather, and it prefers room temperature, between 60°F to 70°F.
Pet-Friendly Plant: No.
Philodendron is a great easy care plant that thrives indoors. The heart shaped foliage trails quickly, making them great for a hanging basket as well.
How to take care of Philodendron White Knight
Sun: Indirect
Light: Low
Water: When mostly dry
Humidity: Medium
Pet Friendly: No
Plant Specific Care: Feed monthly during the spring, summer, and fall with a water-soluble balanced fertilizer diluted to ½ the recommended strength to promote new growth. Too much plant food causes an excess salt build-up in the soil and can cause leaf burn. Her leaves usually turn pale green when she needs more fertilizer.
She likes a warm and humid environment with temperatures between 18-25 degrees. Keep her away from drafts and open doors especially during the winter.
Philodendron Birkin
This relatively slow growing hybrid variety is the perfect compact houseplant. Its beautiful variegated leaves boast vivid white pinstripes on a deep green leaf.
Light: Indirect or shaded sunlight.
Water: Keep soil moist in spring and summer, allow to dry in-between watering's in winter
Plant Specific Care: Birkin Philodendron loves humidity. If your environment has particularly dry air, boost humidity by grouping your philodendron with other houseplants. Or place a small humidifier nearby. Or alternatively, grow it over a large pebble tray. Fertilize in spring and summer, if you wish. Use a fertilizer formulated for use on houseplants. Follow the directions on the product packaging and avoid using more than the instructions recommend. Too much fertilizer can cause root damage.
Pet-Friendly Plant: No.
Philodendron Brazil
A colorful Philodendron that boasts green and yellow variegation on it's heart shaped leaves. An easy care trailing plant that grows quickly, and can be used in a hanging pot.
Light: Can tolerate low light, best color in medium to bright indirect
Water: water weekly, allow to dry in-between
Size: 4" Small
Plant Specific Care: This plant should be re-potted only when they become root bound, and this is normally every two to three years.
Pet Friendly Plant: No.
Philodendron Imperial Red
New leaves emerge a beautiful deep red, maturing to dark purple and eventually green. The shiny oval leaves form a bushy mound.
Light: Bright, indirect light
Water: Keep moist, needs humidity
Size: 10 "
Plant Specific Care: Wipe leaves with a damp cloth to remove accumulated dust. Please note, leaves can develop yellow patches after a change in temperature or environment. These can be removed at the base of the stem if required. A great low-maintenance option and shade-tolerant into the bargain. Ideal for adding interest and air-purifying benefits to the home or office.
Pet-Friendly Plant: No.
Philodendron Narrow Escape
With narrow, heavily serrated leaves this Philodendron is a beautiful and easy to care for plant.
Light: Medium to bright indirect
Water: Allow half of the soil to dry between watering
Size: 4"
Plant Specific Care: Keep the soil moist and fertilize during the growing period. It is best to re-pot her once she has become pot bound or is top-heavy. Re-pot plant into a container one size bigger than its previous container with good drainage. Be sure to use an organically rich well-draining potting mix.
Pet-Friendly Plant: No.
Philodendron Prince Of Orange
An upright Philodendron featuring beautiful foliage that emerges yellow to orange and turns to green as it matures.
Light: Bright, indirect
Water: Water when top 1-2" of soil are dry
Size: 6"
Plant Specific Care: You typically don't need to fertilize philodendrons much, if at all, but they appreciate feeding once or twice a year in spring and summer. Use any houseplant fertilizer (available from your local garden center) and follow the packaging directions carefully.
Pet-Friendly Plant: No.
Piccola Orchid – Double Spike
As dynamic as it is darling, the Piccola preserves all the beauty and charm of traditional orchids in its adorable, compact blooms! Its bounty of small flowers radiates a spunky playfulness that is exclusive to the Piccola’s pint-sized profile.
Pilea Peperomioides (Chinese Money Plant)
Nicknamed the Chinese Money plant because of its bright coin shaped leaves. Easy to grow and care for.
Light: Medium to bright indirect
Water: water every 1-2 weeks when dry
Plant Specific Care: Fertilize once a month during its growing season.
Pet-Friendly Plant: Yes.
Pothos Silver Satin
Pothos Silver Satin is a beautiful and adaptable houseplant that will brighten up any room.
Its heart-shaped leaves are adorned with a mottled silvery pattern that shimmers in the light, making it an eye-catching addition to your home decor.
This hardy plant is perfect for first-time plant parents or anyone who enjoys a classic low-maintenance houseplant.
Heart shaped leaves with an interesting silver toned variegation, and a vigorous trailing habit.
Light: Pothos is a versatile plant that will thrive in bright indirect light, however, this plant will also comfortably adapt to low and medium light spaces.
Water: In bright light, these plants appreciate watering when the soil has dried out halfway in their pot. In low and medium light spaces, it is best to allow the soil to dry almost all the way, but do not let the plant sit dry for extended periods.
Plant Specific Care: Consider rotating so the leaves get even amounts of light.
Pet-Friendly Plant: No.
Sansevieria Futura Superba
The easy care Sansevieria is a great way to bring greenery into a darker corner of your home. Great for improving air quality, Sansevieria filters toxins in the air.
Light: Low light, avoid direct sun
Water: Water when dry. Drought tolerant. Do not over-water
Size: 6" Medium
Plant Specific Care: To prevent root rot, use a pot with drainage holes and house her in well-draining soil.
Pet-Friendly Plant: No.
Sansevieria Shark Fin
If you want a fin-tastic addition to your home or office, look no further than the Sansevieria Shark Fin. This upright grower is related to the common Snake Plant, but takes on a more structured form with cute leaf details and dense stems. Potted with care, this bold tropical will grow in full sun or shade with little supplemental watering.
Size: 4" Small
This plant is tolerant of underwater and low light conditions, making it an ideal beginner's plant.
Light: Sansevieria is one of the easiest houseplants to grow. They are widely adaptable and can tolerate fluctuating water, light and temperature conditions. They actually do quite well in low light environments, but truly do best with medium to bright indirect light. Brighter sun will lend more robust (and larger) growth.
Water: These plants are extremely drought-tolerant. Depending on the size of your plant, you can go for weeks to months without watering. It is advisable to allow your Sansevieria to dry thoroughly between watering in order to avoid overwatering.
Plant Specific Care: To prevent root rot, use a pot with drainage holes and house your Snake Plant in well-draining soil.
Pet-Friendly Plant: No.
Sansevieria Snake Plant
The Snake Plant, also known as Mother-in-Law's Tongue or Sansevieria One of the most popular plants for beginners, Sansevieria is a stapleamongstplant collectors. The plants are native to West Africa and parts of India, where they are used to extremely hot and humid conditions. Sansevieria has a distinct sword-like appearance. Their green and silver striated leaves are fringed with a yellow border, giving them an almost glowing appearance.
Light: While Sansevieria can adapt quite well to low light environments, they thrive best in medium to bright indirect light.
Water: These plants are extremely drought-tolerant. Depending on the size of your plant, you can go for weeks to months without watering. To avoid overwatering, it is advisable to allow your Sansevieria to dry out thoroughly in between watering.
Plant Specific Care: To prevent root rot, use a pot with drainage holes and house your Snake Plant in well-draining soil. Moderate to low humidity is ideal.
Pet-Friendly Plant: No.
Sansevieria Zeylanica
The easy care Sansevieria is a great way to bring greenery into a darker corner of your home. Great for improving air quality, Sansevieria filters toxins in the air.
Light: Low light, avoid direct sun.
Water: Water when dry. Drought tolerant. Do not over-water.
Size: 10" Large
Plant Specific Care: To prevent root rot, use a pot with drainage holes and house your Snake Plant in well-draining soil.
Pet-Friendly Plant: No.
Silver Lace Fern
Pteris Ensiformis
This shade loving fern is the perfect house plant for a North or West facing window Non toxic and pet friendly.
Light: Indirect
Water: Keep moist
Plant Specific Care: Plant the fern in a porous, well-draining potting soil, such as a peat moss-based house plant soil. For ferns in containers, choose a pot with a hole in the bottom for drainage. From April to September, fertilize monthly with a balanced, liquid houseplant fertilizer, mixing seven drops of fertilizer per quart of water. Clemson Cooperative Extension recommends not fertilizing newly purchased ferns or transplanted ferns for the first six months. Excessive fertilization can lead to brown, wilted fronds. Do not fertilize from October to March. Grow outdoor ferns in loamy soils that are moist but drain well and range from neutral to acidic.
Pet-Friendly Plant: No.
Staghorn Fern - Hanging Basket
Staghorn ferns are one of the easiest ferns to grow indoors, making them an excellent choice for beginners looking to get started with houseplants. They thrive in bright indirect sunlight but can also tolerate lower levels of light if needed. A high humidity environment will help keep your staghorn happy, so make sure that you keep it moist by misting it daily.. Often found mounted to wood or in a basket.
Light: In their natural habitat, Staghorns receive dappled light and therefore are well-adapted to the indirect light of any home. They can tolerate some medium light settings, but avoid direct sunlight as that will scorch the leaves.
Water: Like other epiphytes, Staghorns prefer their potting medium to stay on the drier side. When watering, take care to saturate the leaves and crest.
Size: 6" Hanging Basket
Plant Specific Care: Temperature: This fern will do fine in average household temperatures, as long as they do not go below 10'C (50'F). The Staghorn plant does not like being cold as it is used to warm rainforests. Fertilizer: To feed your Staghorn Fern, use a balanced 20-20-20 fertilizer at half strength for every watering. This helps the plant get enough nutrients to continue to grow its impressive fronds!
Pet-Friendly Plant: Yes.
Stromanthe Triostar
A member of the prayer plant family with pointed leaves that feature pale green, pink and white.
Light: Bright, indirect
Water: keep moist, prefers high humidity
Size: 6"
Plant Specific Care: Temperature: Normal room temperatures from 16-24°C but can cope with as low as 13°C. Humidity: High humidity levels are an advantage. Stand on a wet pebble tray ensuring the roots are above the waterline or surround the container with water to improve humidity and mist frequently. Feed: Apply a weak dose of liquid fertilizer once or twice a month during the growing season.
Pet-Friendly Plant: Yes.
Tillandsia - Terrarium Kit
Unique and low maintenance, Tillandsia are air plants with different forms, sizes, and colors. Unlike most plants, they don’t need soil to grow. You can showcase them and have fun ...
Light: Bright indirect light
Water: The leaves of the air plant are covered with a layer of special water-absorbing cells. They can absorb moisture and nutrients from air or dust. Therefore, most species do not need soil and can be hung directly in the air as decoration on walls, furniture, cork, and stones. Air plants thrive in a well-ventilated environment with plenty of fresh air. However, avoid direct hot air.
Plant Specific Care: The leaves of the air plant are covered with a layer of special water-absorbing cells. They can absorb moisture and nutrients from air or dust. Therefore, most species do not need soil and can be hung directly in the air as decoration on walls, furniture, cork, and stones. Air plants thrive in a well-ventilated environment with plenty of fresh air. However, avoid direct hot air.
Pet-Friendly Plant: Yes.
Turtle Vine
A low growing trailing succulent with delicate dark green leaves and purple undersides.
Light: Light shade to bright, no direct sun
Water: Allow soil to dry between watering
Size: 4"
Plant Specific Care: Fertilization is super helpful once a month during growth and flowering periods. Make sure to prune withered leaves and flowers for future growth.
Pet-Friendly Plant: No.
ZZ Raven
The ZZ Raven is extremely easy to care for and thrives on neglect. Its leaves emerge bright green, and change into a dark purple, almost black color.
Light: Low to medium
Water: Allow to dry completely between watering
Specific Plant Care: Fertilizer You can fertilize this houseplant in spring and summer if you would like it to grow faster. Use any general-purpose fertilizer formulated for use on houseplants, following the directions on the fertilizer packaging. Humidity Raven® doesn't require high humidity like some other common houseplants, but can be grown in a humid environment alongside calatheas, pothos, and arrowhead plant. Pruning Pruning is not required except to remove old faded leaves that have aged out.
Pet-Friendly Plant: No, and wear gloves if you're handling the leaves.